How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Fibromyalgia

How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition marked by specific muscle, joint or bone pain, severe fatigue and a wide range of additional symptoms. The causes of and means to treat fibromyalgia remain somewhat mysterious. Many individuals have experienced great relief, however, from a process known as ozone therapy. Ozone therapy administers a specific type of oxygen to various parts of the body to boost energy levels while purifying the blood. Some fibromyalgia sufferers have credited ozone therapy with mitigating or even expunging their symptoms. Follow these steps to learn more about it.

Things You'll Need:

Ozone bag and generator

Reputable ozone therapy practitioner

Internet connection and computer

Use Ozone Therapy Bagging to Treat Fibromyalgia at Home


Begin by educating yourself. To access a whole wealth of information on ozone therapy, read Pavel Yutsis's book, "Oxygen to the Rescue: Oxygen Therapies and How They Help Overcome Disease, Promote Repair, and Improve Overall Function" (see Resources below).


Determine which areas of your body are most affected by fibromyalgia, be they specific muscles or joints.


Wrap an ozone bag around the troubled area. Push the output tube of the ozone generator into the bag. Seal tightly.


Allow the bag to be in contact with the area for at least 10 to 30 minutes.


Keep the ozone bag away from your nose and lungs. Don't use for prolonged lengths of time. You should not use the bag for more than 30 minutes.


Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a week.

Use Relaxing Ozone Saunas to Treat Fibromyalgia


Make an appointment with a local ozone therapist.


Take a deeply cleansing shower to open up your body's pores. Ask the practitioner if you should take this shower at their office or at home before leaving for the appointment.


Visit the practitioner after ensuring they have an ozone sauna on the premises.


Enter the sauna with as little clothing as possible. Make sure the temperature is about 104 or 106 degrees F.


Allow the therapist to add the ozone into your breathing environment.


Stay in the sauna for about 30 minutes. Practitioners recommend an ozone chamber because some evidence suggests that raising the body's temperature artificially stimulates some of the increased white blood cell activity that a natural fever inspires. Practitioners hope that increased white blood cell activity will boost your immunity.


Repeat this process at least once a week until the desired benefits are achieved.

Tips & Warnings

A single consultation or ozone therapy session is inexpensive. However, fibromyalgia sufferers need multiple sessions to experience positive effects. Costs can rise quickly.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

Individuals experiencing severe muscle or joint pain and/or other chronic symptoms should consult their physicians immediately if they haven't already been examined and diagnosed.