How to Meditate Using Crystals

How to Meditate Using Crystals

Meditation can be done without any props, but the use of crystals can help you focus. Meditation should be a time when your mind is clear and you connect with yourself. Any type of crystals can be used. The key is finding the ones that feel good to you.

Things You'll Need:

Quiet time

Comfortable clothing

Crystal of your choice


Begin by sitting comfortably, either in a straight backed chair or on the floor. Sitting in the Lotus Position is optional.


Set your crystal where it will be just in your line of sight holding your head up and looking straight ahead.


Focus your eyes on the crystal. Breathe in deep breaths through your nose and release the breath through your mouth. Try to clear your mind of all thoughts.


Bring your focus back to the crystal and continue the breathing practice anytime you catch your mind wondering, thinking of everyday concerns.


End your practice by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and allowing your body to completely relax.

Tips & Warnings

Your mind will wander when doing any kind of meditation. Just bring the focus back to the crystal and start again.

Once you've begun to master the art of meditation, you may want to try chakra meditation using stones and crystals of different colors that correspond to the chakra points in the body.

The use of crystals in meditation and prayer has been known for centuries.

Once you have learned to meditate, you will find you can do it anywhere without any props or focal points.

How to Meditate to Stay Sane

How to Meditate to Stay Sane

Do you feel completely overwhelmed? Like you are being pulled in every direction possible and you never have a moment to yourself? Do you feel like you would lose your mind if you could ever even find the time to do that? Have you ever thought about taking time to meditate? It doesn't have to be hours, just a few minutes a day. This may just be one way to keep you sane or at least keep you from going insane. Hopefully, the following tips may help get you started on finding a few minutes for just you and your mind, something most of us, especially moms, feel we lost long ago.

Things You'll Need:

Quiet and relaxing room

Comfortable chair or cushion to sit on

Candle or some small focal point

Comfortable clothing


Sit down in a comfortable quiet place. You can either use a chair or just sit in the floor on a cushion. It doesn't matter. You need to turn off any source of noise such as the television or telephone. Make sure you have on comfortable clothing. It is important that you be comfortable.


Sit with your back straight and your head bent slightly forward. Put your hands on your lap. If you are in a chair make sure your feet are flat on the floor. If you are on a cushion, bend and slightly cross your legs. Make sure you can breathe without effort. Straightening your back will help with this.


Focus on a calming focal point such as the flame of a candle. You could use anything small that you can just focus on. You can even close your eyes, but most beginners tend to find it harder to concentrate if they completely close their eyes. They tend to let the "chatter" take over in their mind when they close their eyes. It is important to find whatever works best for you.


Allow your body to completely relax. Focus on relaxing every muscle in your body.


Focus on your breathing. Be aware of the in and out breaths you are taking. While breathing focus on positive words and block out any other thoughts.


Visualize a place that brings you complete calm. Get lost in that. Just let your mind flow. Keep it positive. Don't think about what you are fixing for dinner or what time soccer practice is tonight. Just focus on your special place, keep breathing and stay relaxed.

Tips & Warnings

Start out meditating for about 10 or 15 minutes a day.

Don't try to meditate when you are extremely tired. First thing in the morning is best.

Don't expect immediate results. Don't push yourself. It will take time to learn the technique and to be able to allow yourself to completely relax.

Meditate at least a couple of times a week.

Meditating will help you gain control over your mind which will make you less bothered by the little things in life because you will learn not to focus on them.

Meditate when you have time for yourself. For example, it's not a good idea to try and meditate right before you have to pick a child up from practice. You may get lost in the meditation and end up being late. That's kind of defeating the purpose.

How to meditate to get to sleep

How to meditate to get to sleep

It can sometimes be difficult to get to sleep. Here is a method that really works for me.

Things You'll Need:

A peaceful environment

Correct temperature

Subdued lighting or darkness



Lie down and get yourself comfortable on your bed.


Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Notice how the air is warmer when you breath it out, and colder when you breath in. Count your breaths until you reach 10, then keep repeating from zero until you reach 10 again. Do this several times.


When nice and relaxed, imagine yourself slowly floating up out of your body to the ceiling of your room. Try to use your imagination as vividly as possible.


Imagine turning round and looking at yourself and the room in this different perspective. Scan the room for familiar objects. Notice how they look different from higher up.


Imagine yourself floating higher - above your house. Again take a look around for familiar objects, buildings etc.


Imagine floating away on a journey. You are travelling to your favourite place of relaxation. It can be anywhere you like. A beach, a garden, a tropical island etc. It can be somewhere real or made up. Use as many sense as you can.


When you get there notice any sights or sounds. Notice how the air smells, how the ground feels under your feet. Interact with your own special place of relaxation, and enjoy!

Tips & Warnings

Do not TRY to sleep. Enjoy the experience. This meditation is as refreshing as sleep anyway, so it does not matter if you do not fall asleep. You will probably find it easier to drift off if you do not try to go to sleep.

How to Meditate on the Chakras

How to Meditate on the Chakras

There are seven major chakras, or energy centers, along the spine--from the base of your spinal cord to the top of your head. Each chakra has a different function, but they all work together to bring the body into balance spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Meditating on the chakras can enhance this balance and, in turn, your life.


Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out, counting on every exhale until you reach 20. Observe any thoughts that pass through your mind, but gently let them go.


Envision the Muladhara chakra at the base of your spine. See it as a round red light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for how you interpret and react to the physical world.


Envision the Swadhisthana chakra in the area of your reproductive organs. See it as a round orange light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for your creativity.


Envision the Manipura chakra in the area of your solar plexus or navel. See it as a round yellow light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for your emotions.


Envision the Anahata chakra in the area of your chest or heart. See it as a round green light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for love.


Envision the Vishuddha chakra in the area of your throat. See it as a round blue light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for expression and communication.


Envision the Ajna chakra in the area of your forehead. See it as a round indigo (blue-ish purple) light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for your spirituality.


Envision the Sahasrara chakra at the top of your head. See it is a round violet-white light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for connecting with God.


Envision all seven chakras spinning together in unison. This can be difficult, but gets easier with every meditation session.


Clear your mind and breathe deeply in and out, counting on the exhale until you get to 20. Again, observe any thoughts that pass through your mind, but gently let them go. Open your eyes, stand up and feel more balanced the rest of the day.

Tips & Warnings

The amount of time you plan for meditation--whether it's 10 minutes or an hour--should determine how long you spend meditating on each chakra. Since the goal is balance, give each of the chakras equal attention.

To see a color graphic of the seven major chakras along the spine, see More About Chakras linked to below.

How to Meditate on Breath

How to Meditate on Breath

The breath is an important element when practicing any meditation technique. The result of a regular breathing meditation practice may help you deal with the challenges of everyday life. When you learn to meditate on breath you can calm the mind, relax, manage stress and strengthen the nervous system. Read on to learn more.


Get into a comfortable sitting position. Place the hands on the thighs and keep your spine erect and relax your shoulders.


Close your eyes and start to relax the body by focusing on each part and let any stress in these areas just fall away. Take 5 to 6 minutes to do this.


Focus your attention on the belly area and observe how it rises and falls as you breathe. You should take regular even breaths. Continue to be aware of the breath as you inhale through the nostrils and then exhale out.


Continue to focus on your breathing. If your attention wanders then just return your awareness to the breathing again. When you begin this meditation practice, this may occur often so just gently return to the breathing each time this happens.


Relax and simply watch your breathing as you inhale through the nostrils and then release the air out. Practice meditating on breath for 15 to 20 minutes each day. You can increase this meditation practice to 30 minutes if you so desire.


Come out of the meditation by slowly opening your eyes and moving your body. You may feel more relaxed and calm after you learn to meditate on breath.

How to Meditate on an Airplane

How to Meditate on an Airplane

Air travel can be long, boring and tedious unless you use the time while trapped in a tin flying machine for something constructive-like meditation. If you meditate on an airplane you will arrive at your destination more rejuvenated than stressed. Monks meditate for hours, if not days, so it doesn't matter if your flight hops to a nearby township or spans the ocean. You've got time.

Things You'll Need:

Preferably a window seat


Begin before take off. Sit comfortably in your plane seat, as much as that is possible in the cramped quarters. Place your feet firmly on the floor, keep your back straight and head erect. Close your eyes.


Start to deeply inhale and exhale, making each breath slower than the last and releasing all tension from the top of your head to your toes.


Incorporate the annoying oxygen mask demonstration into your meditation. Your eyes are closed but your ears may not be. As you pick up the words of the flight attendant, imagine that oxygen filling your lungs and refreshing your brain.


Focus on the take off. As the plane leaves the ground, imagine your soul, too, is beginning to soar. Picture your soul shimmying with the sun.


Keep breathing and concentrating on dancing with the sun. Once you reach 35,000 feet, you should be well on your way to a peaceful meditation throughout the flight.


Use airplane distractions to your benefit. Make any on board announcement, too-loud movie, person jostling you to use the john or someone trying to ask if you wish to buy an overpriced, bad meal part of your meditation. They are the evil forces of consciousness trying to blast you out of bliss and make you spend money on fattening food. Do not let them.


Bring yourself down with the plane upon landing. Imagine your soul slowly descending from space to land safely and serenely at your destination. Keep that feeling with you the entire time you're there.

Tips & Warnings

Place a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your lap if your seat mate won't get the hint that you don't want to chat about where you're from or where you're going.

If you don't have a window seat, ask for one. Often seats are available or a person may be willing to switch when they hear you must meditate, undisturbed, for your health.

Do not fear falling asleep. That, too, results in ultimate relaxation.

Do not answer questions or open your eyes throughout the entire flight. That can be your challenge and help pass the time if you can't get deep enough to meditate.

Don't give up. You never know if that blissful state will hit you immediately upon take off or somewhere over Indiana. Keep trying.

How to Meditate in the Middle of the Day

How to Meditate in the Middle of the Day

Day-to-day life can be crazy. Hectic schedules, deadlines, family obligations and a constant desire to make life a little bit better weigh on us from wake to sleep and sometimes even while we're attempting to sleep. Finding a balance, a respite, a chance to step back and breathe seems difficult, but it isn't.Meditation is clinically proved to lower blood pressure, ease stress and decrease chances of heart attack and stroke. Meditating, or just taking 60 seconds to stop your mind and body and simply exist, rather than constantly moving, can improve your mood, your entire day and, over time, your life.

Things You'll Need:

Absolutely nothing.

Closed eyes, deep breaths and calm mind make the day-to-day a breeze


Stop what you're doing. No matter where you are during the day, taking a moment to let your mind relax is essential to a healthy life. As Americans, in this 24-hour-a-day society, we never stop stressing or thinking about what we have to do next. If you're completing paper work at your desk or sitting in a traffic jam or fixing supper, pause for at least 60 seconds. Don't let your car swerve off the road or your saute pan burst into flames but find a moment in between moments to stop. If your surroundings are too distracting, find somewhere quiet. If you're at work, go to a stall in the restroom or to the break room or, go outside to your car or shut the door to your office. Find some place where no one will interrupt you. You can sit or stand, just make sure that you're comfortable.


Close your eyes. If you're in a traffic jam, or waiting for the light to change, don't close your eyes completely because you need to be aware of your surroundings, but at least take your eyes out of focus.


Stop your mind. This is the most difficult step for some people. Prevent your mind from racing from one stress factor to another. Concentrate on your breathing.


Take three slow, deep breaths that fill your lungs to capacity and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Feel your diaphragm rise and fall. Feel the tingle in your lungs as they fill with oxygen. Feel your abdomen tighten as you exhale fully, expelling all the air in your lungs. Continue this breathing exercise if you like, but do it at least three times to calm your mind and center your body.


Continue to concentrate on your breathing and clearing your mind. Once you have calmed and centered yourself, you can resume your work or delve further into meditation. On a hectic day, it's difficult to meditate deeply, but it's on those days that meditation is the most important. Centering your mind not only helps you to prioritize and concentrate but it helps you solve problems more efficiently and allows you to live in the moment. When events consume and disorient you, this 60 second meditation will help you to step away from mental activity and allow you to address your problems calmly, preventing rash decisions.


Do this everyday or as often as possible until you easily transition between meditation and activity so smoothly they are the same mind frame.

Tips & Warnings

If you are religious, you can also take this time to speak to God or address whatever you would like. Once you clear your mind, say a small prayer, praise or thanks. Not only will this help you with day-to-day activities but it will help keep you grounded in your religion.

How to Meditate in the Dentist Chair

How to Meditate in the Dentist Chair

Nobody likes to sit around getting their teeth scraped, sanded and drilled while their gums bleed. You can switch your focus from blood to bliss if you meditate in the dentist chair. Even if you don't get the zen zone down pat, at least trying will give you something to do other than wonder if you'll have any teeth left when the dentist is done. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need:





Sit back, relax, close your eyes. You may want to mention to the dentist that you are going to attempt to meditate. This way he'll refrain from asking all kinds of questions you are unable to answer anyway with a drill shoved in your mouth.


Place your right thumb on the flap of skin between your index finger and thumb of your left hand. This is a pressure point that is known to soothe. Press harder as you need more calming. It sure beats digging your nails into the vinyl armrests.


Breathe deeply in and out through your nose only. Continue to breathe deep with each scrape, rattle and roll. Get a rhythm down that slows your heart rate and calms your nerves.


Picture a bright yellow light, starting at your toes and moving up your body. The soothing, yellow beam rests on each body part for two deep breaths then moves on up.


If you are still way too conscious of the slicing and dicing inside your mouth, begin to chant inside your head. Saying "healthy teeth, healthy teeth" over and over will give you something else to concentrate on.


If you just can't get the dental instruments out of your head, incorporate their movements into your meditation. Each scrape of the plaque picker is sloughing away evil. Each turn of the polisher rubs another spot of hope into your soul. As the drill bores deeper into your jaw, more tension is released from your brain.


Use any combination of the above as your concentration allows. Since meditation is often accompanied by prayer, feel free to switch gears and just ask God for the strength to endure until all this crap is over.

Tips & Warnings

Keep relaxing your shoulders and neck, that's where I tend to tense up the most.

If you don't have to use the bathroom or have an emergency, don't ask for breaks. It will just disrupt what little concentration you were able to muster and prolong the agony.

You can take along a portable CD player and headphones but you run the giant risk of ruining the experience of whatever music you play. Jim Morrison could forever be linked with getting a drill jammed in your jaw.

Don't bite.

How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Fibromyalgia

How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition marked by specific muscle, joint or bone pain, severe fatigue and a wide range of additional symptoms. The causes of and means to treat fibromyalgia remain somewhat mysterious. Many individuals have experienced great relief, however, from a process known as ozone therapy. Ozone therapy administers a specific type of oxygen to various parts of the body to boost energy levels while purifying the blood. Some fibromyalgia sufferers have credited ozone therapy with mitigating or even expunging their symptoms. Follow these steps to learn more about it.

Things You'll Need:

Ozone bag and generator

Reputable ozone therapy practitioner

Internet connection and computer

Use Ozone Therapy Bagging to Treat Fibromyalgia at Home


Begin by educating yourself. To access a whole wealth of information on ozone therapy, read Pavel Yutsis's book, "Oxygen to the Rescue: Oxygen Therapies and How They Help Overcome Disease, Promote Repair, and Improve Overall Function" (see Resources below).


Determine which areas of your body are most affected by fibromyalgia, be they specific muscles or joints.


Wrap an ozone bag around the troubled area. Push the output tube of the ozone generator into the bag. Seal tightly.


Allow the bag to be in contact with the area for at least 10 to 30 minutes.


Keep the ozone bag away from your nose and lungs. Don't use for prolonged lengths of time. You should not use the bag for more than 30 minutes.


Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a week.

Use Relaxing Ozone Saunas to Treat Fibromyalgia


Make an appointment with a local ozone therapist.


Take a deeply cleansing shower to open up your body's pores. Ask the practitioner if you should take this shower at their office or at home before leaving for the appointment.


Visit the practitioner after ensuring they have an ozone sauna on the premises.


Enter the sauna with as little clothing as possible. Make sure the temperature is about 104 or 106 degrees F.


Allow the therapist to add the ozone into your breathing environment.


Stay in the sauna for about 30 minutes. Practitioners recommend an ozone chamber because some evidence suggests that raising the body's temperature artificially stimulates some of the increased white blood cell activity that a natural fever inspires. Practitioners hope that increased white blood cell activity will boost your immunity.


Repeat this process at least once a week until the desired benefits are achieved.

Tips & Warnings

A single consultation or ozone therapy session is inexpensive. However, fibromyalgia sufferers need multiple sessions to experience positive effects. Costs can rise quickly.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

Individuals experiencing severe muscle or joint pain and/or other chronic symptoms should consult their physicians immediately if they haven't already been examined and diagnosed.

How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Depression

How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Depression

Millions suffer from depression. Symptoms are vast, varied and specific to each individual, just as the causes and treatments can be. Many have tried ozone therapy, which administers concentrated amounts of ozone and oxygen into the body's fluids and systems. Purportedly, the process helps to boost immunity, vitality and overall health. Ozone therapy is used to treat everything from cancer to fibromyalgia. Follow these steps to use ozone therapy to treat depression, as well.

Things You'll Need:

Professional ozone therapy practitioner

Ozone sauna

Use Ozone Therapy Body Suits to Treat Depression


Start by educating yourself. Visit the Oxygen Healing Therapies Web site for a wealth of additional information on how ozone therapy is used to treat various disorders (see Resources below).


Locate a local ozone therapist and make an appointment.


Take a warm shower before leaving for your appointment to thoroughly open up your pores. You may even be able to use a shower in the practitioner's office.


Visit the office of your ozone practitioner.


Slip into an ozone body suit.


Wrap a towel around your neck for support and comfort.


Stay in the body suit, moving as little as possible, for about 10 to 15 minutes.


Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a week, but never more than once per day. Results will appear within a few sessions. They may include increased circulation, a better sense of well being and dramatically-increased energy levels, as well as reduced symptoms of depression.

Use Ozone Therapy Saunas to Treat Depression


Find a therapist with an ozone sauna.


Make an appointment and block off at least 30 minutes for the session.


Enter a sauna set to around 104 or 106 degrees F. The practitioner will then release the ozone into the air.


Stay in the sauna for about 30 minutes. Take deep breaths. Allow yourself to completely relax. Purportedly, you'll sweat away impurities (see Resources below). Practitioners recommend an ozone chamber because some evidence suggests that raising the body's temperature artificially stimulates some of the increased white blood cell activity that a natural fever inspires. Practitioners hope that increased white blood cell activity will boost your immunity.

Tips & Warnings

Costs associated with a single ozone therapy visit are moderate. However, be aware that substantial benefits normally require frequent visits. Expect at least 4 to 6 sessions before positive results start to surface.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

If you're suffering from serious depression or suicidal thoughts, visit a physician or emergency room immediately.

How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Chronic Fatigue

How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Chronic Fatigue

For those who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, learning how to treat the illness is a lot like trying to solve a mystery. One solution might be ozone therapy, an alternative health process. By injecting ozone into different parts of the body, professionals treat all kinds of illness, including diabetes, cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. Purportedly, ozone therapy boosts your immune system and increases your level of antioxidants. Some patients report that their chronic fatigue symptoms totally disappeared after ozone therapy, leaving them full of energy. Follow these steps to start ozone therapy.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet connection

Trusted professional ozone therapy practitioner

Use Ozone Saunas to Fight Chronic Fatigue


Begin by learning a bit about ozone therapy. You may want to visit a helpful Web site like "Oxygen Healing Therapies" (see Resources below).


Schedule an appointment with an ozone practitioner that operates an ozone sauna. You may want to schedule a consultation before booking an actual appointment.


Shower and thoroughly clean yourself before you enter the sauna. Make sure the temperature is roughly 104 degrees F.


Breathe in the purified oxygen that the practitioner introduces into the sauna as you rest.


Stay in the sauna for about 30 minutes. Sweating and deep breathing inside the sauna will help administer the ozone. Practitioners recommend an ozone chamber because some evidence suggests that raising the body's temperature artificially stimulates some of the increased white blood cell activity that a natural fever inspires. Practitioners hope that increased white blood cell activity will boost your immunity.


Expect to repeat this process at least once a week until the desired benefits are achieved.

Use an Ozone Body Suit to Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Visit your local ozone practitioner. Take a very warm, cleansing shower in his or her office to open your pores. If the practitioner doesn't have a shower available, shower at home before leaving for your appointment.


Allow the professional to wrap your unclothed body in an ozone body suit.


Seal the body suit at the ankles and wrists. Allow the ozone to be connected to the suit through an output tube.


Wear the suit for 15 to 40 minutes, allowing the oxygen to penetrate your pores and enter your body.


Repeat this process about twice a week until the desired benefits are achieved.

Tips & Warnings

For details on the history of ozone therapy and its many uses, read Nathanial Altman's book, "Oxygen Healing Therapies: For Optimum Health and Vitality" (see Resources below).

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

While individual ozone therapy treatments for chronic fatigue are moderately priced, most patients require multiple sessions to achieve the full list of benefits. Expect to receive treatment at least once a week for several months.

If you're suffering from any serious symptoms, such as extreme pain or prolonged sleeplessness, consult your physician immediately.

How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Acne

How to Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Acne

Acne and other skin disorders affect millions of people each year. Some have used ozone therapy as an alternative treatment. Purportedly, by injecting ozone into the skin, ozone therapy boosts oxygen levels while it detoxifies impurities and deeply cleanses the system. It can be administered to treat acne by a professional ozone therapist or through supervised home sessions. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Ozone body suit

Internet access

Ozone bags

Access to an ozone therapy practitioner

Ozone generator

Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Acne With Saunas


Find a practitioner who uses a hyperbaric chamber or an ozone sauna to treat skin disorders. Make an appointment.


At the practitioner's office, enter either device and have the professional add the concentrated oxygen into the chamber or sauna.


Relax for approximately 30 minutes, sweating out impurities and allowing the oxygen to seep into your skin. Repeat this process several times a week for maximum benefits.


Learn more about ozone therapy by reading Nathanial Altman's "Oxygen Healing Therapies: For Optimum Health and Vitality" (see Resources below).

Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Acne With Body Suits


Visit a registered ozone therapist, or buy all the necessary supplies for home use.


Take a warm shower to open pores.


Put on an ozone body suit, which will pump ozone onto you.


Leave the suit on for 10 to 15 minutes.


Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a week, but never more than once per day.

Use Ozone Therapy to Treat Acne With Bagging


Place the output tube of an ozone generator into an ozone bag.


Wrap the bag around the infected area, but never put the bag around your face or head.


Allow the treatment to stay applied for 10 to 30 minutes.

Tips & Warnings

Sessions with a therapist are moderately priced; but many sessions will be required before you're fully healed. Costs can add up. Consider buying ozone equipment for home use if you've been pleased with the results of your practitioner visits.

Don't use an ozone bag for acne on your face. Use the advice in the first section for that.

Visit a doctor or ER immediately if you have a serious skin infection.

If you plan to treat your acne at home, it's imperative that you follow all warnings and instructions. For instance, many ozone devices cannot be used on the face, making them safe for treating body acne only.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Energy Healing to Reduce Stress

How to Use Energy Healing to Reduce Stress

When the physical body suffers from stress, it is more susceptible to diseases such as ulcers, gall bladder problems, anxiety, depression and high blood pressure. Energy healing replenishes life energy, which strengthens the body and eliminates diseases.

Learn About the Chakras


Know that the energy field is composed of 7 chakras. These are spinning wheels that store memories of our life events. The chakras are located in the root, sacrum, solar plexus, heart, throat, third-eye and crown.


Be aware that the chakra of the solar plexus is the one most affected by stress. When this chakra malfunctions, the body is susceptible to illnesses such as an ulcer.


Reduce your stress level through the use of energy healing. Although the methods may be different, one of the common goals of energy healing is to free the energy body of negative blocks that lead to stress.

Heal Stress With Several Methods of Energy Healing


Visit energy healing Web sites to learn how to reduce your stress with one of the popular energy forms, like Reiki, Quantum Touch, Pranic Healing and Chios. The International Center for Reiki Training provides a lot of information on Reiki (see Resources below).


Know that, although different, the energy healing process of all forms involves scanning, cleansing and strengthening.


Consider Reiki. Using different hand positions, working from the head down, the practitioner pauses at each area of the body for about 5 minutes, or until the flow of energy through her hands recedes.


Try Quantum Touch. The Quantum Touch practitioner taps each of the different meridians along the body until they reduce the intensity level of the patient's stress down to zero.


Go with Pranic Healing. The healer performs a scan by feeling the energy around your body and removes any energy blocks. He then strengthens and replenishes the body by channeling energy, Prana, into the body.


Use a healer who practices the energy healing form of your choice and make an appointment. You can find a list of Quantum Touch practitioners online (see Resources below). The fees will usually start off on the moderate end but will depend on several factors, including the length of the session.

Tips & Warnings

Discuss the possible causes of your stress with your practitioner. The practitioner may be able to formulate a more effective treatment plan for you.

Do not hesitate to call 911 or go to an emergency room if you suffer from uncontrolled bleeding, dizziness, drug overdose or panic attacks.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Know When to Wear High-Heeled Shoes

How to Know When to Wear High-Heeled Shoes

The rules of fashion dictate when it's appropriate to wear high heels. You commit a fashion faux pas when you wear heels at the wrong time or wrong event. You can determine which shoes are appropriate by considering several features of high-heeled shoes.


Choose a lower heel for professional situations. For example, if you're interviewing for a new job, you want to wear heels that you can walk in comfortably. Pick a shoe with a heel that is less than 2 inches.


Elongate your legs with a higher heel. If you have short legs and you want them to appear long for a night out, then pick a heel that is more than 2 inches high.


Pick a moderate heel for a night out. Since you may plan to dance and walk around a lot, then you want to feel comfortable as well as look good.


Practice walking in the high-heeled shoes before you wear them. This prevents you from wearing them and feeling uncomfortable all day long.


Decide on the color of the high heels based on the occasion. Most women have black and brown heels in their wardrobe that are suitable for numerous types of events.

Tips & Warnings

Most designers consider any heel that is higher than 3 1/2 inches, a "high" heel. Anything shorter is considered a low to moderate heel.

You can wear heels with basically any kind of clothes. High heels are used to dress up jeans, pants and other casual clothing pieces.

How to Know When to Wear a Topless Bikini

How to Know When to Wear a Topless Bikini

You can go topless as a way to dabble in nudism, get a tan without tan lines or enjoy being an exhibitionist. While many countries openly embrace topless bikinis, places like the United States frown on such attire. Here are a few ways to know when to wear a topless bikini.

Things You'll Need:

Bikini bottom


Consider your location. If you're in France, along the Mediterranean Coast in Europe or on a beach in Vancouver, you can wear a topless bikini. Even in places with strict laws, you generally can wear a topless bikini if you are on a secluded beach. There are beaches in the United States, like South Beach in Miami, Florida, that allow topless bikinis.


Check local laws. When in doubt, you can ask your local police department what the law is concerning beach attire. Some police departments give citations or warnings prior to enforcing punishment. You may be able to circumvent local laws on lewdness or indecent exposure if you don't intend to create sexual arousal or if the laws define "indecent exposure" as exposing private parts, which typically refer to the anus and genitals, not breasts.


Look for signs. Generally, nudist beaches or other areas where you can go topless have signs stating the rules or regulations. Likewise, if wearing a topless bikini is prohibited, the signs for the beaches should clearly state it. If there aren't signs posted, look around at the other ladies on the beach. When in doubt, keep your top on unless there are several topless women in the area.


Know which beaches allow topless bikinis. You can find a list of the best topless beaches online at Forbes. Top Freedom's website offers reports and regional links for topless areas, as well as some reports from individuals who have worn topless bikinis at specific beaches.

How to Know What is New in Perfumes and Fragrances

How to Know What is New in Perfumes and Fragrances

products are a unique commodity, in that some favorite scents and fragrances stay on the market for decades, while other manufacturers change their lines frequently. Keeping up to
on new perfumes and fragrances can help you to find the best scent for your own beauty regimen.

Things You'll Need:

Department Store



'Tis the Season for Scent


Many perfume and fragrance manufacturers produce new scents at the change of the season. To stay updated, first contact any of your favorite manufacturers at the start of a season to find out if they will have a new line available.


Watch your local newspaper for ads. Many perfume and fragrance manufacturers take out large spreads to advertise their latest scents, especially before the spring and summer seasons.


Keep in mind that a new season starts for a manufacturer one or two seasons before the actual calendar season--you may see spring fragrances advertised before
, and summer scents on the market in early spring.

Ask for Fragrance Information


Sign up on the snail or electronic mailing lists of your favorite perfume manufacturers.


Watch your mailbox and inbox carefully for updates, which may also include offers for free or discounted new perfume or fragrance products.


Investigate if your favorite beauty outlet has a mailing list available to keep you updated about the arrival of new products you may be interested in trying.


Check with your local department stores for any informational updates they may send periodically on new perfumes and fragrances. This is often your best bet, as most department stores maintain beauty counters for a variety of product lines, so you can find the most information in just one shot.

Tips & Warnings

When purchasing a new scent, buy a smaller bottle to try first. You may not like the scent after you first use it.

If you find a scent you especially like, check with the manufacturer to see if it will be produced indefinitely or just for a season. If it's seasonal, stock up so that you can continue to enjoy!

How to Know if You can Wear a Bikini

How to Know if You can Wear a Bikini

Whether you're headed to the beach for spring break or just gearing up for summer vacation, you may not be quite sure about sporting a bikini this year. The following steps will help you to figure out if you feel comfortable wearing a bikini or if you're better off trying a one-piece swimsuit this year.


Try on your bikinis from the past few years to see how they fit. If they're a little too tight on you, this doesn't mean you can't wear a bikini, it may just mean that you need to move up a size or two.


Go to a local department store or a beachwear store that has a wide selection of bikini styles and sizes.


Work with a sales representative to find the right bikini for your body type, and try on at least three to five different styles and colors.


Bring a friend who will give you her honest opinion on whether or not the bikinis look right on you.


Ask yourself if you feel comfortable wearing each bikini as you try them all on. Ultimately, you must feel comfortable and relaxed wearing the bikini that you choose.

Tips & Warnings

If you know you will feel so self-conscious wearing a bikini that it will take all the fun out of being at the beach or laying out at the pool, then wear a one-piece swimsuit or a tankini that you're more comfortable with so that you can relax and have fun.

How to Keep White Clothes White

How to Keep White Clothes White

With the arrival of warm


, it's time to put away those dark, heavy clothes and put on lighter fashions. If you have a lot of whites in your wardrobe for spring and summer, you probably love the way they look but despise the challenge of keeping them clean and bright. There's nothing more frustrating than getting a catsup stain on a favorite white outfit. If you want to keep your white fashions looking gorgeous for years, here's how to keep them bright and stain free even if you happen to be a slob.


Pre-treat stains as soon as possible.

If you spill grape juice on your best pair of white pants, you'll want to attack the stain as soon as possible to have the best chance of getting it out. If you're wearing white, you can make life easier by carrying an instant stain remover with you in your pocketbook or pocket. A good one to try is Tide to Go. As soon as you notice the stain, apply the product. Even if you can't completely remove the stain, it'll be easier to remove once you get home.


Correct hard water.

If you have hard water, it can give your whites a grayish cast. One way to partially correct hard water is to add a half cup of vinegar to the water you use to rinse your whites.

works beautifully for this purpose.


Wash white each time you wear it.

Even if a piece of white clothing looks clean after you wear it, wash it anyway. The material has probably soaked up perspiration and other body chemicals that need to be removed to preserve the
of the garment. White is one color that needs to be washed after each wearing.


Watch how you dry your whites.

One of the best ways to dry white clothing is to hang it out on a line to dry in the sun. The sun tends to have a gentle bleaching action, plus it makes clothes smell so good! If you dry whites in a dryer, use a cool setting to avoid the dulling effect that heat can have on white fabric.


Practice a little prevention.

Lastly, when you wear a white top to a restaurant, wear a darker colored jacket you can button over your whites to protect them from stains. There's nothing more annoying than ruining a meal with a big stain on a white top. At least it won't show on a dark colored jacket.


Avoid household bleach.

Some people try to brighten their whites by reaching for the bleach. Not only will bleach weaken the fabric of the clothing, it can also cause the fabric to yellow. The key to getting whites clean is to use the hottest water that's compatible with the fabric and along with a good detergent. If you feel you must use bleach, substitute borax instead which tends to be gentler on the fabric and is less likely to discolor your whites. A half cup of borax is usually sufficient for the average load of whites.

How to Keep Jewelry Untangled With Straws

How to Keep Jewelry Untangled With Straws



can be an unnecessary source of stress. Too many jewelry owners find their jewelry pieces tangled with each other or even with itself if stored separately. Fortunately, the simple practice of threading your jewelry through straws can keep your jewelry neat and organized.


Buy a package of straws. Transparent straws are ideal so that you may see your work as it's occurring, but you can achieve the same result using colored straws.


Untangle your jewelry.


Clean your jewelry using special jewelry solution. Repair any parts of the jewelry that are broken or worn. Pay special attention to the jewelry pieces' clasps, as functional clasps are necessary in securing the jewelry.


Undo the jewelry clasps.


Stand the straw up and slide one end of the


down the straw while holding the other end over the top of the straw. Grasp the end of the piece as it emerges from the bottom end of the straw.


Pull the two ends together and hook the two clasps closed.


Consider inserting one straw into another to make an extra-long straw if one of your jewelry pieces has a very long chain. Using a straw too short to accommodate the length of the chain may still result in tangling.

Tips & Warnings

When traveling, store straws with jewelry threaded through them in travel toothbrush containers. The toothbrush containers provide easy access to your jewelry and keep the jewelry pieces from being misplaced.

Don't try to fit pendants into the straw. Even small pendants may be damaged if you try to cram them into the straw.