How to Meditate to Stay Sane
Do you feel completely overwhelmed? Like you are being pulled in every direction possible and you never have a moment to yourself? Do you feel like you would lose your mind if you could ever even find the time to do that? Have you ever thought about taking time to meditate? It doesn't have to be hours, just a few minutes a day. This may just be one way to keep you sane or at least keep you from going insane. Hopefully, the following tips may help get you started on finding a few minutes for just you and your mind, something most of us, especially moms, feel we lost long ago.
Things You'll Need:
Quiet and relaxing room
Comfortable chair or cushion to sit on
Candle or some small focal point
Comfortable clothing
Sit down in a comfortable quiet place. You can either use a chair or just sit in the floor on a cushion. It doesn't matter. You need to turn off any source of noise such as the television or telephone. Make sure you have on comfortable clothing. It is important that you be comfortable.
Sit with your back straight and your head bent slightly forward. Put your hands on your lap. If you are in a chair make sure your feet are flat on the floor. If you are on a cushion, bend and slightly cross your legs. Make sure you can breathe without effort. Straightening your back will help with this.
Focus on a calming focal point such as the flame of a candle. You could use anything small that you can just focus on. You can even close your eyes, but most beginners tend to find it harder to concentrate if they completely close their eyes. They tend to let the "chatter" take over in their mind when they close their eyes. It is important to find whatever works best for you.
Allow your body to completely relax. Focus on relaxing every muscle in your body.
Focus on your breathing. Be aware of the in and out breaths you are taking. While breathing focus on positive words and block out any other thoughts.
Visualize a place that brings you complete calm. Get lost in that. Just let your mind flow. Keep it positive. Don't think about what you are fixing for dinner or what time soccer practice is tonight. Just focus on your special place, keep breathing and stay relaxed.
Tips & Warnings
Start out meditating for about 10 or 15 minutes a day.
Don't try to meditate when you are extremely tired. First thing in the morning is best.
Don't expect immediate results. Don't push yourself. It will take time to learn the technique and to be able to allow yourself to completely relax.
Meditate at least a couple of times a week.
Meditating will help you gain control over your mind which will make you less bothered by the little things in life because you will learn not to focus on them.
Meditate when you have time for yourself. For example, it's not a good idea to try and meditate right before you have to pick a child up from practice. You may get lost in the meditation and end up being late. That's kind of defeating the purpose.
Do you feel completely overwhelmed? Like you are being pulled in every direction possible and you never have a moment to yourself? Do you feel like you would lose your mind if you could ever even find the time to do that? Have you ever thought about taking time to meditate? It doesn't have to be hours, just a few minutes a day. This may just be one way to keep you sane or at least keep you from going insane. Hopefully, the following tips may help get you started on finding a few minutes for just you and your mind, something most of us, especially moms, feel we lost long ago.
Things You'll Need:
Quiet and relaxing room
Comfortable chair or cushion to sit on
Candle or some small focal point
Comfortable clothing
Sit down in a comfortable quiet place. You can either use a chair or just sit in the floor on a cushion. It doesn't matter. You need to turn off any source of noise such as the television or telephone. Make sure you have on comfortable clothing. It is important that you be comfortable.
Sit with your back straight and your head bent slightly forward. Put your hands on your lap. If you are in a chair make sure your feet are flat on the floor. If you are on a cushion, bend and slightly cross your legs. Make sure you can breathe without effort. Straightening your back will help with this.
Focus on a calming focal point such as the flame of a candle. You could use anything small that you can just focus on. You can even close your eyes, but most beginners tend to find it harder to concentrate if they completely close their eyes. They tend to let the "chatter" take over in their mind when they close their eyes. It is important to find whatever works best for you.
Allow your body to completely relax. Focus on relaxing every muscle in your body.
Focus on your breathing. Be aware of the in and out breaths you are taking. While breathing focus on positive words and block out any other thoughts.
Visualize a place that brings you complete calm. Get lost in that. Just let your mind flow. Keep it positive. Don't think about what you are fixing for dinner or what time soccer practice is tonight. Just focus on your special place, keep breathing and stay relaxed.
Tips & Warnings
Start out meditating for about 10 or 15 minutes a day.
Don't try to meditate when you are extremely tired. First thing in the morning is best.
Don't expect immediate results. Don't push yourself. It will take time to learn the technique and to be able to allow yourself to completely relax.
Meditate at least a couple of times a week.
Meditating will help you gain control over your mind which will make you less bothered by the little things in life because you will learn not to focus on them.
Meditate when you have time for yourself. For example, it's not a good idea to try and meditate right before you have to pick a child up from practice. You may get lost in the meditation and end up being late. That's kind of defeating the purpose.